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Living and Learning

Communities | Student Leadership | National Residence Hall Honorary | Hall Council | Residence Hall Association | IT Advisory Board

Educational Priority

Through living in community together at Indiana State University, students will explore, practice and act as engaged citizens of the world.

Learning Goals



Self-efficacy is a student’s belief in their capabilities to reach goals through exploration of their values, beliefs, attitudes, and interests.  This involves transforming knowledge to action and reflecting upon what impact that action has upon communities.

Students will be able to:

  • Identify who they are
  • Recognize their impact upon other individuals
  • Recognize their impact upon communities
  • Act authentically with integrity


Inclusive Excellence:

Inclusive excellence is a student’s ability to interact and create meaningful relationships with those that are different from them.  This involves understanding the identities of one’s self and others, challenging systems of power, privilege, and oppression, and working towards more equitable communities.

Students will be able to:

  • Articulate their identities
  • Engage effectively across identities
  • Identify issues of power, privilege, and oppression
  • Contribute toward equity and justice


Professional Success:

Professional success is a student’s ability to define their aspirations and learn skills that allow them to be successful in all of their life pursuits. This involves a personal exploration of success and developing skillsets which allow them to contribute in meaningful ways to strengthen their communities.

Students will be able to:

  • Define success for themselves
  • Develop practical skills to be successful
  • Communicate effectively
  • Navigate conflict in healthy ways
  • Utilize strengths to contribute positively in their communities

Why it Matters


NRHH LogoThe Larry Miltenberger Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary at Indiana State University promotes service and recognition of others within Indiana State University and the surrounding communities.

The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is the premiere honorary supported by the leading international organization advocating for the interests and welfare of residence hall students, while also providing opportunities for their personal growth and development. NRHH strives to provide recognition for individuals who have contributed to the advancement of college and university housing. It ensures the advancement of member chapters through resource sharing, programming, and leadership development opportunities to contribute and support the vision of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Incorporated.

Each semester applications are open via the TreeHouse to submit interest to join.  Applications will be followed by and interview process to determine those inducted into NRHH.

Membership Qualifications:

  • Candidate Member seeking induction must be a student of the college or university with which the chapter is affiliated.
  • A Student shall be defined as a person currently taking classes at Indiana State University, whether in an undergraduate or graduate manner.
  • Students pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or professional degrees are all eligible for induction.
  • At the time of induction, the Inductee must in good academic standing with the University.
  •  Candidate member must be living in institutionally owned or contracted housing and has lived in institutionally owned or contracted housing for at least one academic term, one semester, upon induction.
  • Candidate Member must have made positive contribution to the residence hall system through engagement with the values of service and recognition.

NRHH Organizational Page

NRHH International


Hall Council is a student organization that is based in each residence hall on campus. The main focus of Hall Council is to provide the residents of the building a chance for their voices to be heard about what they want to see in their hall. Hall Council also puts on regular social and educational events for the betterment of their community.

Members:  While every student living in a resident hall is a general member of their Hall Council, there is a group of dedicated leaders for each hall that represents their building and works to lead the organization throughout the year. Elections for most positions happen within the first two weeks of the Fall semester, so students should be on the lookout for information during check-in.  Depending on the building and the year, Hall Council Presidents are elected in the spring semester before their term.

President:  The President oversees all operations of Hall Council. This includes conducting all Executive Board and General Assembly meetings. They also ensure that the General Assembly is allowed the opportunity to make their opinion known on a given subject or matter. They serve as one of the representatives from their Hall Council to the Residence Hall Association General Council Meetings.

Vice President:  The Vice President serves to assist the President in their role and step in when necessary. They also oversee the election process for their buildings and act as a liaison with the Hall Representatives. They take the lead in preparing the Hall Council for any Homecoming or Spring Week participation.

Vice President of Administrative Affairs:  The Vice President of Administrative Affairs serves in the capacity of secretary and treasurer. They are tasked with recording and publishing minutes for all Hall Council meetings. They also work with their advisor to keep an accurate account of the budget and present that regularly to their Hall Council.

Vice President of Programming:  The Vice President of Programming is tasked with gathering ideas from residents on what programming initiatives they would like to see in the halls. They also work to coordinate all programming efforts in the building to make sure that the Executive Board and General Assembly know what is happening.

Vice President of Public Relations:  The Vice President of Public Relations serves as the main advertiser for the Hall Council. They are charged with creating publicity for any Hall Council initiative. They oversee their Hall Council’s social media presence as well.

Vice President of Community Service:  The Vice President of Community Service works to provide service opportunities within their hall for the residents to give back. They work in collaboration with the Center for Community Engagement as well as the National Residence Hall Honorary Vice President of Service to provide such opportunities.

Hall Representative:  Hall Representatives serve as the voting members of their specified community. They serve as the information liaison between the Executive Board and their communities. They work to make sure their community’s voice is present in Hall Council and vote based on the needs and wants of that community.

Meeting Times

Each semester, the Hall Council Executive Board sets the time of both their Executive Meeting and their General Assembly. The Executive Meeting is only for the six members of the Executive Board as they plan for the organization's future. The General Assembly meetings are open to all residents and that is where the Hall Representatives will vote on matters for the Hall Council.


RHA LogoThe Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the second largest organization at Indiana State University that serves as a programming and advocacy group for all residence halls on campus. The purpose of RHA is to provide activities, leadership, and development opportunities for the residents. RHA works directly with the Hall Council in each building to serve the needs of their residents. RHA also serves as a liaison between the residents in the buildings and the Department of Residential Life.

How to get involved with RHA?

Each residence hall has a Hall Council and that council is made up of students living in the building. Students can be involved with RHA just by working with their Hall Council. You can also attend conferences, which happen in both the Fall and Spring semesters. RHA works to sponsor a campus-wide program that allows the residents to come and engage in a social setting on campus.

Students can also get involved with RHA through one of our committees:

  • Advocacy Committee
  • Legislation Committee
  • Programming Committee

Contact Information & Meeting Times

The RHA office is located in the lower level of Blumberg Hall. Our executive board members all host office hours weekly and this is a time for students to come and ask questions or speak with an RHA executive board member if needed. You can also reach the executive board through e-mail at or via phone at 812-237-7268.

RHA General Council meetings are held on Wednesdays at 5:00pm in the Lower Level of Erickson. This meeting is open to any on-campus resident to come and learn about what is happening on campus with RHA.


Looking for more information on RHA, such as how we can advocate for your residence hall or request to partner for an event. Visit our Treehouse page for more information:


The IT Advisory Board advises the Office of Residential Life regarding IT infrastructure in the residence halls.  This board has recommended upgraded wireless technology, IP cable systems and more in the residence halls.


Residential Life Office

Erickson Hall
Phone: 812-237-3993
Fax: 812-237-8525
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Social: @IndstateResLife on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram